Guido Van Meel is an independent port professional with more than 25 years of experience in port authority topics. He holds a master degree in Economics and a master in Environment.
He was working as adviser for the Antwerp Port Authority for more than 20 years.
He was secretary general of Euroshore from 2008-2019. Euroshore is an association of port reception facilities.
He has lead EU funded projects in Belgium and abroad covering topics such as:
- Innovative techniques for soil cleaning in seaports (case of the port of Antwerp (1996);
- Founding member of ECOPORTS non-profit association;
- Port waste management in the Flemish ports (ECOWARE LIFE 98/254)(2001);
- TBT pollution: TBT-Clean the integrated approach (LIFE02 ENV/B/000341)(2005);
- Developing a waste management plan for seaports covering ship generated waste and cargo residues (2005);
- Developing a waste management plan for inland navigation with a focus on waste prevention (CRUP 2010);
- Participant in Clean North Sea Shipping project. An EU funded project studying the use of shore side electricity and the use of LNG (2011-2013);
- Technical assistance for Capacity building for prevention of marine pollution cause by ship sourced waste (TR2011/0327.21.01-01/001) (Turkey 2015-2017);
- Study on state aid and market access and cabotage in maritime transport EuropeAid/119860/c/SV/Multi (Croatia 2008);
- He was involved in the privatisation of the port of Bar in Montenegro (expert port authority) (2006-2008).
- He was involved in the privatisation of the Nigerian ports (2005).
He has done consulting jobs in Djibouti (new harbour regulations), Saudi Arabia (Future extension of the Islamic Port of Jeddah towards a transhipment hub), Rijeka (Croatia), Dubai and Turkey.
He has done trainings in security and safety, port environment, logistics in several EU countries for TAIEX (DG Enlargement), Vietnam, Laos and Suriname.
He was guest professor at the University of Gent (2004-2012) Dept. LAW: Master Maritime Sciences